The Itzy Bitzy Walk Only Award 2023

Angela Wilson who won both the Walk Only league and Walk Only Liberty League with Itzy Bitzy would like to honour this wonderful pony with a special Walk Only award which recognised hard work, effort and improvement in a pair who could compete only at Walk.

Angela says:

When Itzy Bitzy came into my life it soon became apparent she had many health issues both physical and mental.  

Following a diagnosis of PPID and after falling twice she slowly started to move less and less and I feared for her well being – she didn’t want to be touched and struggled to move her back end easily.  It was becoming a challenge to keep her healthy and active.

I began clicker training and then started Horse Agility.  Slowly she became easier to handle, happier and more mobile.  Our relationship blossomed and became something very special.   We developed a connection!  We loved the challenge of learning something new every month.

I will always remember our first rosette and how proud I was of her.  I am truly grateful for the gift of Horse Agility – it helped create a deep bond between us and allowed  Itzy Bitzy to reveal what a truly kind and clever pony she was.’

Congratulations to our 2023 Winners Sabrina Doidge and Putwell Sidan GB