Monthly Video Competitions
On Lead Line | At Liberty | Ridden
What is OLHA?
OLHA stands for On Line Horse Agility and it’s a way of competing over the internet without leaving home!
Every month we post course plans that you can download, build at home and practice before getting someone to video you completing the course. You then upload your entry to Youtube and send the link to us, we judge it and send back useful hints and tips on how to get an even better score. Every entry receives a beautiful rosette as well.
On Line Horse Agility (OLHA) competition
On Lead Line courses – here the horse wears a halter and leadrope and completes the course as described on the course plan. Everyone begins at Starter level and gain points that accumulate and promote them as they improve their skills.
On Line Horse Agility (OLHA) Walking Only Competition
Walk Only courses- all the On Lead Line and Liberty competitions are adapted for those who can only walk, this also applies to the horses.
The Horse Agility club supports everyone whatever their ability so these courses are perfect for the less able handler and/or the less able horse. This may be a temporary lack of mobility so competitors can decide each month how fit they are. Please note: These courses are not for the ‘can’t be bothered brigade’! We have members and horses with genuine disabilities (permanent or temporary) and we wish to give them the chance to compete fairly.
Liberty Trophy
Liberty courses – these are graded from Bronze (a neck rope and halter is allowed), Silver (a neck rope is allowed), Gold and Platinum in which the horse wears no equipment at all. You can choose to enter at any level each month with these courses.
Liberty Trophy Walking Only
Walking only courses cover Starter through to Advanced two Star and liberty Trophy classes. In line with the groups of competitors currently included in the Paralympic Games the Horse Agility Club will continually develop the sport to include everyone (horses and humans) whatever their ability.

Equagility – Riding without a bridle. These courses are for those who wish to ride the obstacle courses but with an extra challenge! The course is completed on the ground first then ridden. The seven levels start at walk with two reins attached to the halter (Red level) rising to the final level which is completed with nothing on the horse’s head and may include a canter (Violet level).
For safety horses can wear a bridle but if that rein is picked up then the competitor loses points. The aim of Equagility is to encourage people to ride with their bodies rather than the reins.
How to enter the competitions
How to film your entry
Build the course as close as you can to the plan, course plans are available to download from the individual course pages. You may build it in any enclosed area – a field or arena is fine.
Make sure you practice first! Because you can only enter once per course, per month.
The video must be made without any breaks in other words the course must be filmed in one session (you can’t do it lots of times and edit in the best bits!)
The horse and the handler must be in the same shot at all times but make sure the camera operator is not too far away. If we can’t see it we can’t judge it! At the start of the video you need to face the camera with your horse and tell us your name, your membership number and the name and registered number of your horse or write them in the video titles. Then off you go.
How to submit your video
You can submit on entry via the individual course competition pages, simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
Before you do this you’ll need to add your video to YouTube, we recommend making your video ‘unlisted’ if you do not wish others to view it. Make sure your name is included in the ‘Video Title’, include your membership number in the ‘Video Description’ and the number of the class your are entering.
Remember: you’ll need a YouTube account in order to submit your video.
You should receive a confirmation email with 72 hours of submitting your video, if you do not receive such an email then please contact the club office.
This is a great way to train and compete at the same time. All judges are Accredited Judges of the Horse Agility Club (HAATs). The Judge’s decision is final, any complaints must be lodged in writing within 48 hours of the results being published on this website.
Every competitor will receive a rosette for competing plus 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed competitors in each class also receive a place rosette. Each first prize winner in each class is awarded a special prize which can range from books, club t-shirts, ropes, gloves or free OLHA entries.
Each competitor will be sent an individual report on their round which includes feedback and helpful tips from the judges.