News from Summer of Sport Team Stormybracken


Kate Morton of Dorset England shares some of the fun and games to be had when you decide to enter a team in the Summer of Sport…with a dog called Bramble!

Thank you so much Kate for letting us share this.

‘ Team Stormybracken put their The International Horse Agility Club league positions to one side for the summer, and participated in the Summer of Sport instead. This was made up of three competitions each from a choice of ten, and meant I was very busy walking on flower pots, singing nursery rhymes, splashing in the pony paddling pool, and generally wishing there wasn’t a public road the other side of the hedge 😳
But it was all worth it- we had so much fun, and came sixth!!!!
Out of six teams 😆
Bracken was a super star and managed a Perfect Score in one competition – our first ever 100/100 score 😍
Bramble enjoyed the weeks of practice too.

Here’s a three minute snapshot of what we did this summer


  1. Jo Hickford

    That was fab, thanks for sharing. I really chuckled when your “cameraman” decided on a selfie!