Any Animal Agility Results and Donkey League

Any Other Animal Agility


1.Barbara Wilfinger-Schneider and Roman (Alpaca) 58/60

2.Noeline Cassettari and Beanie (Sheep)  57/60

2.Paige Sutton and Gus (Sheep)  57/60

3.Noeline Cassettari and Saxon (Steer)  56/60

4.Ethan Morgan and Joey (Goat) 50/60

5.Kendra Gale and Chandler (Goat) 47/60

6.Tamara Sehling and Santos (Alpaca) 46/60


Donkey and Mule League Updated 2nd July 2022

(This is calculated by hand, if you spot a mistake please let us know!)


On Line


Ellen Cochrane Inara 415

Judith Azzopardi Dinky  80

Katy Hughes Buttons 33

Wendy Barros A Girl Named Squirrel  20

Sandra Tudor Ivor 6



Walk Only On Line


Mandy Nutley Handsome 85

Mandy Nutley Banjo  84

Nora Bateman Coco 79

Mandy Nutley Flute 75

Nora Bateman Stanley 63

Mandy Nutley Charlie 50

Nora Bateman Mabel Brooke 43

Nora Bateman Maude  42

Sue Kelly Samson 40

Nora Bateman Charlotte 29

Nora Bateman Charlie 7

Sandra Tudor Bilbo 6




Ellen Cochrane  Inara 216

Wendy Barros A Girl Named Squirrel 85

Lorraine Hayes Milly  8

Sue Kelly Sarah 3



Walk Only Liberty


Mandy Nutley Banjo  68

Mandy Nutley  Handsome 53

Nora Bateman Gertie  34

Mandy Nutley Flute 12

Sue Kelly Samson 5