Horse Agility Certificate Level 4


Want to get really good at Horse Agility, but don’t want to compete?

Would like to build your horsemanship skills, without having to compare yourself with others?

Want to build a great relationship with your horse in the comfort of your own yard?

Now you can! You don’t need to be a club member to take the course.


Have you completed Certificate Level 3?

You’ll need to complete and pass Horse Agility Certificate 3 before starting Certificate 4.

The International Horse Agility Club has developed a ten level Certificate course just for you – and you don’t even need to leave home to do it!

This series of courses builds into an assessment programme that gently stretches you and your horse to greater things as you work your way through.

Written by Vanessa Bee (Bachelor of Education, Founder of Horse Agility) and author of three best-selling books on obstacle training) the assessment programme is designed to be all inclusive whatever your ability and method of working with horses (as long as it’s horse centred, we’re happy).

Each level has…

  • How to get Started Blueprint Exercises
  • A ten obstacle course to complete
  • Quizzes and a challenge to really get you thinking.

There’s also a progress chart and a dedicated discussion group to share ideas and triumphs.

You can take as long as you like and when you’ve successfully completed the course you will receive a digital certificate and a beautifully embroidered badge to display on your jacket or cap.

Completing these courses can also build into a chance to become an Accredited Trainer in Horse Agility..

Why not register today and get started?